Isle of Wight Gala

Cost to each swimmer £10.00 must be paid in before the above date. In an envelope with name on front please. Adults cost is £16.10 if not helping – £11.10 otherwise (this is mostly the ferry fare). NUMBERS ON COACH LIMITED FOR ADULTS.

We go to a park and play games and picnic – never rained yet but we go later if weather is awful.
Bring picnic lunch and tea and small amount of money.
Sun cream. Clothes suitable for if it gets hot.

HOPEFULLY ARRIVE BACK AT LYMINGTON 9.00 ish; we will phone if any different.

Fixtures Secretary – Volunteer Needed


1. When you first take over inform all the contacts for the leagues you are in and all the clubs that are on your contact list that you are now the fixtures secretary for your club
2. Deal with all the league renewals that come in
3. Respond to any gala invitations that you may receive (after consulting with coach and/or committee to see if you wish to take part)
4. In September start compiling a calendar of fixtures for your club
5. Organise the Novice and Intermediate Leagues
a) About September contact all current participants and see of they want to take part in the coming year – if not try and find replacements
b) Liaise with them re dates venues etc
c) After sorting out the above arrange to get the pool or pools booked
d) Sort out hosting
e) When all the above is done sent out e-mails with confirmation of details to all the clubs involved

Urgent- Helpers for Galas

We have been asked to Host the Intermediate gala at Christchurch on 5th March. For this we will need several officials but also 2 people to record the results, someone to organise refreshments and progam sellers. A full list of jobs will be placed on the notice board. PLease volunteer by entering your name against a job.
We also need volunteer officials for the novice gala on 12th March.


We have been very pleased with the number of new volunteer adults that have come forward to help teach, take registers etc.

Many thanks
