Anne and the Olympic Torch

Anne is carrying the Olympic torch on Saturday 14th July in Christchurch (exact time and location details to follow) and would like you to come and support her.

After the event, Anne will be visiting a number of schools to talk about the experience. If you’d like her to visit your school or group please get in touch.

New Treasurer Wanted

After four years as Treasurer for the Seals I am standing down at the next AGM.

It would be good for the Club to have some new blood and fresh ideas and you don’t have to be Carol Vorderman! If you have a computer we have an easy to use accounts package which does all the hard work so we’re not asking for lots of your time – just a couple of hours a month.


Please contact Lorraine.

IOW Gala

After another year of good weather and plenty of exercise by the children we had a very close gala. Unfortunately we lost the trophy to Southampton by 9 points (171 to 162) but 81% of our swimmers achieved PB’s with some exceptional swimming by some of them.

Best of the girls was Lizzie who said to me “I can’t do 100 fly” and then proceeded to knock 12s of her PB. The most improved boy was Joe who knocked 9s off his 100 back (despite swimming each length alongside the lane rope!)

Boys and Girls of the gala were Joe, Lewis, Lizzie and Charis.

This was my first gala and I’d like to thank Anne for taking over the final amendments due to the catastrophe at home and let’s get the cup back next year.

Thanks to all the swimmers who took part and swam their best as usual in this event – see the training does pay off!

Summer Holiday Shutdown

To give everyone a break to re-charge their batteries Seals will not be operating week commencing 8th and 15th August. The last swim before the break will be Sunday 7th August and we will recommence Tue 23rd August.

Interested in Rookie Lifeguard Qualification?

If you are interested in gaining an extra invaluable qualification which will stand you in good stead throughout your life then I suggest you visit and talk to Chris. Rookie Lifeguards runs on a Sun evening from 4-5 and is great fun. Just turn up and pay on the day.