RH&L has closed the Centre today. For more details seeĀ Ringwood Health and Leisure. At the moment, no decision has been made about the weekend and Sunday training. We’ll keep you posted here, on the website, Facebook page and through emails.
Half Term
Session 1: 18.00 – 18.45
Session 2: 18.45 – 19.30
Session 3: 19.30 – 20.30
Friday 16th
Session 1: 18.30 – 19.15
Session 2: 19.15 – 20.00
Session 3: 20.00 – 21.00
Sunday 18th
All: 08.30 – 10.00
Presentation Night, 26th January
Friday 26th January is Presentation Night so NO training. If you took part in the Home Championship please make sure you come. If you are new to the club please come as it is a good social event. This is free to everyone.
Held at Ringwood Conservative Club – BH24 1DN. Bar open.
Lots of parking. From the main front door, go through the club bar or from the car park there’s a wooden gate (may hang balloons on it) to the left as you are facing the building which goes directly into the room we are using.
7,8,9,10 and unders arrive at 6.00 pm
6.15 pm Buffet for the swimmers. There is lots of food so don’t feed them to much before.
11,12,13,14,15,16+ arrive just before 8.00 pm.
Your food will be served at 8.00 pm.
There are also special trophies which are given for Merit and Endeavour and are names put forward by the coaches. So WHO HAS WON THESE???
Presentation Night
The Cup and medal presentation will be on Friday 26th January at Ringwood Conservative Club. Bar open for drinks. Please come even if you have only just joined or if you think your child will not win anything as this is a really good social evening.
- 7,8,9,10 and under, please come at 6.00 pm. Supper/buffet from 6.15 pm.
- 11,12,13,14,15,16 +, come at 8.00 pm. Your supper/buffet will be served at 8.00 pm.
The results of the Home Championships will be on the noticeboard and website after presentation night.
Christmas Dates
Our last session is on December 22nd. This is an inflatable swim in 2 sessions:
- 6.30 – 8.00 pm for 1st session swimmers and lanes 5 and 4 from the 2nd session.
- 8.00 – 9.45 pm for 3rd Session and lanes 1,2,3 from 2nd session.
If anyone wants to change sessions to be with a friend then they can do so but remember that there will be young/little swimmers in the first session.
We return to swimming on 5th January; the normal training times will apply.