We have been asked to Host the Intermediate gala at Christchurch on 5th March. For this we will need several officials but also 2 people to record the results, someone to organise refreshments and progam sellers. A full list of jobs will be placed on the notice board. PLease volunteer by entering your name against a job.
We also need volunteer officials for the novice gala on 12th March.
We have been very pleased with the number of new volunteer adults that have come forward to help teach, take registers etc.
Many thanks
Gala – 29th January
Be at Recreation Centre at 4.00 p.m. coach leaves as soon as you are there – dont be late. £5.00 per person bring tea to eat.
Sprint League – New Times
The updated sprint league times are now available here. These include all times up to an including the Home Championships.
NOTE: When prompted, enter the username ringwood; the password is the same one you use to access the Members Only area.
Regarding awards, I am in the process of defining target improvement times for each swimmer / division and hope to provide these by the 30th Jan. The most improved against their target every quarter will get a certificate. The first awards will be at the end of March with the following coming in July just before the summer break.
Awards Evening
Saturday January 22nd, 5.30 p.m. at West Street Social Club, Ringwood, followed by Disco until 10.00