Sprint League – Target Improvements Added

I have now added a target improvement time for every swimmer in every stroke and these are available here. Over the next three months we will be pushing the children both technically to continue the improvements here but also on stamina and speed to get them to hit their target improvements. The certificate award date will be confirmed once I have checked the gala dates.

Every child who achieves their target times will be presented with a certificate and the most improved swimmers will be logged for an award of a new cup at the next awards ceremony.

Tuesday 8th and 15th Feb Swim sessions

Please note that due to restricted coaching staff, the Tuesday swim sessions will be shortened for at least the next couple of weeks. The times are as follows:

1st Session – 6pm to 6.45pm
2nd session – 6.45pm to 7.30pm
3rd session – 7.30pm to 8.30pm

Friday and Sunday swim sessions will continue as normal.

Urgent- Helpers for Galas

We have been asked to Host the Intermediate gala at Christchurch on 5th March. For this we will need several officials but also 2 people to record the results, someone to organise refreshments and progam sellers. A full list of jobs will be placed on the notice board. PLease volunteer by entering your name against a job.
We also need volunteer officials for the novice gala on 12th March.


We have been very pleased with the number of new volunteer adults that have come forward to help teach, take registers etc.

Many thanks
