Charity Swim a Success

Friday night saw the majority of the children swimmining continuously for
charity. We are still awaiting for some money so don’t know the final amount
raised and despite me setting a wrong target (I wrote 6400 instead of 4600) the
swimmers even beat this target. Overall they swam a total of 6,558 lengths which
equals 163.95Km, a superb effort by all.

There were some notable swims during the sessions with Ellen achieving her
target of 200 lengths without stopping, however the swimmer of the night has to
be Jamie Rogers who swam in both the second and third sessions clocking an
amazing 366 lengths or 9,150 metres.

For those who want the detail the table below shows how far each lane in each
session swum.

Lane 1 2 3 4 5 Total Lengths Total Distance
Session 1 220 340 226 228 174 1188 29,700
Session 2 652 704 464 422 410 2652 66,300
Session 3 536 452 560 460 710 2718 67,950

Well done to all swimmers and helpers

Home Championship including 200m swims

Home Championships at Ferndown at 2.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. (hopefully about 6.00 p.m.) BRING YOUR CARDS CUT UP AND IN A SMALL PLASTIC BAG.
UNDER 8 YRS ON FRIDAY 19TH November at Ringwood 6.30 onwards – this will take longer than normal time.
2nd Session swimmers come at 8.00 p.m – 9.00 p.m.
3rd Session swimmers come as usual.

200m swims will be on Tuesday 16th at Ringwood.
1st Session swimmer who are 9 yrs come at 7.15 p.m.
2nd Session swimmers come at 7.15 p.m.
3rd Session swimmers come at 8.30 p.m.

Charity Swim – Fri 26th November

A date has finally been set for the charity swim. We are discussing about using justgiving as a way of fundraising (instead of the old fashioned paper method!) and I’m investigating how we can do this for two charities. I will update over the next week on this.

As mentioned before, we need as many people to help count the lengths as possible so please let myself, Carole or Anne know if you are willing to help.

Sponsorship form available here.
NOTE: When prompted, enter the username “ringwood”; the password is the same one you use to access the Members Only area.