Charity Swim Delayed

Following suggestions for more time to raise sponsorship and also the fact that I am due to fly back from China on the 1st we will postpone the charity swim until later in Oct. I will advise you of a date within the next week.

Sorry for any inconvenience but I’m sure you want to raise as much money as possible.

Charity Swim – Friday 1st October

We have had to move the original date of Sept as we have a Novice Gala on the 25th and it wouldn’t be fair to tire the children out. We are now aiming to swim the equivalent of Poole to Cherbourg (6,400 lengths) on Fri night, 1st Oct. The money raised will be split between the RNLI and the Julie Spendley Foundation. The swim is open to any parents / teachers that want to partake (no minimum number of lengths!) as well, so why not swim with your children!

There will be two options available to raise money: 1. pay £5 for each child swimming or 2) collect sponsorship money (form available here NOTE: When prompted, enter the username “ringwood”; the password is the same one you use to access the Members Only area). The choice is yours and hopefully this will make it easier for those that do not want to go around collecting money.
We are aiming to get as much publicity for the event as possible and I will keep you posted as to who may be attending from the local press.

Helpers Required: We will also require a number of helpers during the evening to count the lengths that are swum. If anyone is willing to help please add a comment to this post of come and see me on a Friday (1st session) or Sun morning.

Please keep an eye on the website for further instructions closer to the time.

Summer Holidays

Tuesday 27th July/Friday 30th July Normal 3/6/10/13 July No Swimming
NO Swimming on Sundays throughout August
Holiday times apply for the rest of August:

1st Session: Normal times
2nd Session: 6.45 – 7.30 Tues.
7.15 – 8.00 Fri
3rd Session 7.30 – 8.30 Tues
8.00 – 9.00 Fri

September Charity Swim

At the end of September, when you have recovered from the summer holidays and got your stamina back again, we will be attempting a charity swim. The aim of this is to raise money for the RNLI and the Juli Spendley Foundation (Elivia’s Mum in second session).

The challenge will be to swim the equivalent of Poole to Cherbourg (62NM or 115Km) which equates to 4,600 lengths of the pool.

All sessions will take part and swim as far as they can. Rest will be allowed and it is the total number of lengths swum at the end of the evening that will count. Parents are more than welcome to join the children (if you can keep up!).

We are considering charging a fixed fee rather than sponsorship forms and Anne and I will finalise this over the summer and let you know. Keep an eye on the web site for more details.

Well done to all throughout the year, have a great summer break and come back refreshed, stronger and raring to go.