Lockdown 2

Following the recent Government announcement of a second national lockdown, Ringwood Health and Leisure Centre closed on the evening of Wednesday 4 November. All Seals training sessions will therefore stop until further notice. We have suspended the monthly fee collections until we can return. Please do not cancel your direct debit arrangements; no payments will be taken until we resume swimming.

Thank you for your continued support.

Return to Swimming

We have been absorbing the Guidelines from Swim England, making our plans for how to cope with this, and having discussions with the Centre for them to approve what we want to do.

Rejoining the Swimming Club

Please DO NOT reinstate your former standing order payments. As announced in January, we will be changing to direct debit payments with a flat fee of £35 per month per child. To simplify the administration, we will also be using a subscription service called LoveAdmin. Watch out for an email with instructions on how to register and set up payments.

Phased Return Dates

We aim to start on Friday 4th September with short sessions to explain the new rules and procedures to the swimmers. Training will then commence fully on Tuesday 8th September, Friday 11th September and Sunday 13th September.


Arrive with costumes/trunks already on and slip-on shoes. To drop off your child, park right around the back of the Centre in the section of the car park adjacent to Kingsfield. The entrance will be through the fire door by the small pool. There will be a gazebo here. Do not come in to the pool area until you see someone call you. If anyone arrives late they cannot come in so please be on time.

Lanes and Session Times

We will be operating with two double-width lanes and one single lane. The single lane is for the first session, lowest lane swimmers only, who will swim 1 length, get out and walk back. We have made lists for the lanes which are double size. We have obviously had to move people around according to the number of lanes available. The lane register, showing your allocated swimming times and group, was sent out by email on 24th August. Let us know if you have not received this.

Changing Rooms

We will not be using the changing rooms, lockers or showers. Toilets will be available. Put your clothes into a bag on poolside (then maybe put the bag inside a large reusable carrier to keep bag and clothes dry). You will not be allowed to refill drinks bottles so bring 1 or 2 filled already.


Towel down, pull on clothes (such as onesie) over costume or trunks at poolside. Exit through the changing rooms, along the corridor by the small pool and out of the fire door into the back car park.


The viewing gallery is currently closed.

We will review all these rules every month and obviously they may change.


Please have a look at the Return to Training Health Screening questionnaire. If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of the health questions at any time, please print out and return the form so that we can take appropriate action.



The latest advice from Swim England (as of 18th March) is that Clubs should suspend all activities until the end of May. Ringwood Health & Leisure have closed all their Centres, including Ringwood, until 31st March. Even if the Centre reopens in April we shall not be returning to training until June 2nd at the earliest. We will continue to follow the advice of our governing body, Swim England.

Please cancel your standing orders for training fees before 4th April.
When we reconvene, we will be switching to a new direct debit payment scheme. Further information to follow.

Coronavirus Advice

Swim England issued the following advice on 13th March:

“The guidance we have received is that water and the chlorine within swimming pools will help to kill the virus. It’s important, however, to ensure that everyone visiting pools follows the latest hygiene advice to help reduce the risk of infection. … shower before and after entering the water, while spectators and volunteers should regularly wash their hands for 20 seconds using soap and water or a sanitiser gel.

Most importantly, if you feel unwell, please do not attend events or training and seek appropriate medical advice.”


Presentation Evening

Presentation Night is on 24th January at the Conservative Club so therefore no training. If your child took part in the Home Championships please make sure they come.

Sunday Swimming

Also all swimmers in lanes 1,2,3 first Session and all swimmers in 2nd and 3rd session should be attending Sunday morning. If they can only come for an hour that is fine.