Your Club Needs You!!!

The Ringwood Seals AGM will be held on Thursday 18th June at 7.30pm at the Railway Hotel, 35 Hightown Road, Ringwood, BH24 1NQ.

A free drink for everyone!

We really do need as many parents as possible to attend this meeting, and are particularly keen for parents of the younger children to come along and let us know your views and any ideas you may have.

There are some posts on the Committee that we will be seeking to fill (information on these will be emailed to you separately), but if you do not have the time to take on one of these posts please come along to the meeting anyway.  It’s fairly informal and a good chance to meet other parents and find out a bit more about how the Club is run.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

If you have any queries please speak to Anne.

Thank you everyone.